
Syria Today
نشرة دورية تصـدرها سفارة الجمهـورية العربيـة السورية في بكيــن
Periodical bulletin issued by Syrian Embassy in Beijing

*  President Assad Discusses Israeli Aggression with Erdogan

          President Bashar al-Assad made a phone call on 18/7 with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyib Erdogan to deal with "the nonstop Israeli aggression on Lebanon and Palestine aimed at civilians, innocents and infrastructure."

          " There was a revision of the world wide stances and the international community reluctance to impose cease- fire and put and end to the crisis," a statement said.


President al-Assad receives a massage from Iranian counterpart

          17/7/President Bashar al-Assad received a massage from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran in which the Iranian President expressed support to Syria in the face on any threat or attack.

          The massage was conveyed by Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki when President al-Assad received Mottaki and the accompanying delegation at the People's Palace on Monday.

          Talks during the meeting  dealt with the Israeli continued aggression on Lebanon and the brutal demolishing operations perpetrated by Israeli forces targeting the Lebanese civilians and infrastructures.

          The regional and international stances regarding the Israeli war against Lebanon and Palestine and means of backing the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance at the critical circumstances were reviewed.

          Both sides stressed the necessity of continuing consultations between the two friendly countries regarding the proposed issues.

          Foreign Minister Waled al-Moallem and Iran's Ambassador in Damascus Mohammed Hasan Akhtari attended the meeting.


President al-Assad Receives a Phone Call from Ahmadinejad

          13/7/ President Bashar al-Assad evening received a phone call from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran during which the current conditions on the Lebanese and Palestinian arenas were reviewed.

          The Iranian President underscored Iran's stand by and support to Syria to face the unjust campaigns and pressures she is exposed to.


President al-Assad receives a message from Egyptian President .

          12/7/ On a telephone call , President Bashar al-Assad and his Egyptian counterpart, Mohammed Hosni Mubarak, discussed this afternoon The latest situation in Palestine and in Lebanon.

          The president also received a message Mubarak on the current events in Palestine and Lebanon conveyed by Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmad Abu-Ghait.  The president gave Abu-Ghait a reply message.

          The meeting was attended by Foreign Minister , Walid Moalem and the Egyptian ambassador in Damascus.


President alAssad receives a telephone call from UN. chief

          12/7/ President Bashar al-Assad received tonight a telephone call from UN.Secretary General Kofi Annan. On the phone, the  two sides discussed the latest developments in the region and in Lebanon.


President Assad recieves Larijani .

          12/7/ President Bashar al-Assad discussed with Secretary of the Supreme Council  of  National Security in Iran Ali Larijani the latest developments on the regional and international arena, particularly the developments in Iraq and in Palestine.

          Talks during the meeting which was held at the People's Palace dealt with the outcomes of the negotiations underway between Iran and Western countries regarding Iran's nuclear file.

          Iran's right to possess peaceful nuclear technology was stressed during the meeting.

          The delegation accompanying Mr. Larijani and Iran's Ambassador in Damascus Mohammad Hassan Akhtari attended the meeting.


President Assad receives a letter from King Hamad of Bahrain

          12/7/ President Bashar al-Assad received a letter from His Majesty King Hamad bin Issa Al Thani of Bahrain on the current events in the region, particularly in Iraq and Palestine and the bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries.

          Bahrain Minister of Interior Field Marshal Sheikh Rashed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa handed the letter to President al-Assad in a meeting at the People's Palace. Talks dealt with relations of cooperation between the two countries, particularly regarding internal security.

          Relations of cooperation between the two Interior Ministries in Syria and Bahrain were discussed.

          President al-Assad sent an answer letter to His Majesty King of Bahrain, whishing him and Bahraini people prosperity and development.

          Bahraini Ambassador in Damascus Wahid Mubarak Sayyar attended the meeting.


President reviews Palestine, Iraq situations with AL chief

          11/7/ President Bashar al-Assads meeting with Arab League (AL) Secretary General Amre Moussa yesterday morning at al-Rawda Palace concentrated on the latest developments in the Palestinian arena, and ongoing efforts and consultations to rid the Palestinian people of the suffering and stop the continued Israeli aggression on them.

          The meeting also discussed the ongoing political process in Iraq and the steps made by the AL to convene a national reconciliation conference in Iraq. It also reviewed results of the meeting of Iraq’s neighboring countries, which was recently held in Tehran. Present at the meeting was Foreign Minister Walid Moualem.


President Assad issues decree  on opening Law Faculty at al-Baath Uv

          18/7/ President Bashar al-Assad issued the Decree No. 258 for the year 2006 on opening the Faculty of Law at al-Baath University in Homs, central Syria.


National Progressive Front Discusses Updated Political Developments

          16/7/ The Central Leadership of the National Progressive Front (NPF) reviewed the updated political developments in the light of escalation of the Israeli hostile attacks.

          during the Central Leadership's meeting, Vice President Farouk al-Shara, in an overall review, explained the political conditions in the region in the light of the Israeli fierce attacks and open war on the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples. " These attacks aim at striking the national resistance and aborting the big achievements it had achieved as well as ending its continuous struggle against the imperialism schemes hatched to tear up the region and establish the so-called  ' The Greater Middle East Project'." Shara said.

          The leadership saluted the brave resistants' heroic steadfastness, highly appreciating their sacrifices to defend the Arab nation's existence, dignity and sovereignty. " The Israeli aggression  poses a flagrant example of the state terrorism that doesn't distinguish between a child, a woman or a sheik and perpetrates an attrition war breaching all international laws and charters." The leadership said. "Any bid to hold Syria and Iran the responsibility of what is going on is a vulpine attempt to divert the attention from the source of the aggression and powers that back it," the leadership said, voicing confidence that all attempts and aggressions will not deter Syria from adherence to her pan-Arab stances.

          The central leadership showed full solidarity with and support to the national resistance, demanding the world's loving peace and democracy powers and human rights organization to compel  Israel to stop its savage aggression on Lebanon and Palestinian and asked the UN to undertake its responsibility in this regard.


Syria Renews Support to Lebanon .

          18/7/ Premier Mohammad Naji Ottri renewed Syria's backing to the Lebanese people, saying that Syria will offer Lebanon what it needs of medical, nutritional, emergency and necessary materials.

          Ottri, meeting a delegation of Islamic figures and associations headed by Sheikh Abdulnaser Jabri, reviewed the latest developments on the Lebanese arena and the Israeli continuing aggression in addition to the brutal crimes that target civilians and public utilities. Minister of Endowments Ziad al-Din al-Ayyobi and Syria's Grand Mufti sheikh Ahmad Hassoun attended the meeting.

          Meanwhile, two long vehicles of the International Red Cross Commission loaded with medicines crossed Syria into Lebanon through the border point of Areda to the north of Damascus.  On a different note and for the 6th day, Arab and foreign communities continued leaving Lebanon through the Syrian-Lebanese border points of Aboudea and Areda. Lebanese National News Agency reported that families from Russia, Romania and Australia have left the country into Syria.


al-Shara receives  Moussa

          Vice-President Farouk al-Shara’ discussed with Mr. Moussa developments in the Arab and regional arenas, especially in Iraq and the occupied Palestinian territories in light of the continuous Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people.

          During the meeting, they stressed the necessity of the Arab action in a way that serves the Palestinian people’s cause and their legitimate struggle for regaining their rights to return and the establishment of an independent state of their own with Jerusalem as its capital.

          Talks during the meeting also dealt with results of meetings of foreign ministers of Iraq’s neighboring countries.

          For his part, Information Minister Mohsen Bilal reviewed with the AL chief the current developments in the Arab arena, especially the deteriorating situation in the occupied Palestinian territories as a result of the continued Israeli acts of aggression against the Palestinian people.

          The meeting stressed the role of Arab information in supporting the Palestinian Arab people’s steadfastness and their legitimate rights, and in exposing the barbaric Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.

          The meeting stressed the necessity of strengthening Arab solidarity and activating joint Arab action to confront the current challenges facing Arabs at large.


Shara and Qaddoumi Assert Effective and Unified Arab Stance

          13/7/ Syria and the Palestinian Authority asserted importance of the effective and unified Arab stance to bridle Israel's hostilities.

          Vice President Farouq al-Shara talked with Chairman of the Political Department at PLO Farouq Qaddoumi over latest events in the region in light of the Israeli escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories and Lebanon.

          " There was an assertion that only the unified and effective Arab stance is capable of reining in the aggressive tendency of Israel in light of the silent and double standards that some international parties are dealing with towards the region issues," statement said.


Shara and Larijani Discuss Latest Developments

          Vice President Farouk al-Shara discussed with Secretary of Supreme National Security Council in Iran dr. Ali Larijani the regional and international developments, particularly in Iraq and the Israeli continued offensive in the occupied Palestinian territories.

          Both sides also discussed latest developments in Iran's nuclear file where Dr. Larijani briefed Mr. Shara on latest developments connected to this issue.

          Mr. Shara reiterated Syria's stance regarding the right of all countries to possess the nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, adding that concern must be focused on turning the Middle East into a zone free of weapons of mass destructions, on top of which the Israeli nuclear arsenal and abandoning the double-standards policy in dealing with issues of the region.

          On the developments in Iraq, the two sides pointed out to their identical views regarding importance of doubling the efforts to maintain Iraq's territorial integrity and unity, achieving security and Stability and foiling all attempt to spread sedition among the Iraqi parties.

          In a statements to the press following the meeting, Mr. Shara said "the discussions we made today with Dr. Larijani were positive, very useful and reflected the Syrian-Iranian deep-rooted relations in all fields."

          He added that "we discussed all issues of mutual interest in Palestine and the Israeli continued aggression on the Palestinian people as well as the tragic  situation in Iraq and means of helping the Iraqi people to establish security and stability to facilitate the departure of foreign troops from there as they are the reasons for all problems."

          On the escalations in South Lebanon and Palestine, the vice President asserted that "the decisive decision is up to he resistance in Palestine and South Lebanon as they are the parties who certainly decide what to do and why".

          Mr. Shara added that "the occupation is the main source and cause for provocation against the Palestinian and Lebanese people, so there is national Lebanese and Palestinian resistance."

          For his part, Dr. Larijani pointed out that the discussions with Mr. Shara dealt with important and joint issues and the bilateral relations with Syria, in addition to hot issues like the Palestinian and Iraqi issues.

          Commenting on the Israeli military escalation and the capture of two Israeli soldiers in South Lebanon, Dr. Larijani said there are tens of thousands of Palestinian children, women and men in Israeli jails, wondering why there is no talk about the human rights connecting this issue at a time where loud noise is made when an Israeli prisoner or more is captured.

          He said that such things usually happen in wars, expressing discontent over the flagrant discrimination made by some governments regarding the human rights,  describing such a behavior as abnormal.


Vice President Shara receives PLO Executive Committee Members .

          12/7/Member of the Executive Committee to the Palestinian Liberation Organization PLO hailed Wednesday the significance of the role played by Syria in the Arab- Palestinian struggle.

          Abullah al-Hourani said in a statement after meeting with Vice President Farouq al-Shara, the delegation briefed the Vice President on  situations inside the Palestinian territories and the Palestinian people suffering due to the nonstop Israeli offense as well as the siege imposed on them.

          He noted that talks have dealt with "how to end the Palestinian people suffering and handling of the situation via the national accord document that was agreed upon by  all the Palestinian forces."

           Earlier, Vice President Shara emphasized that "the Palestinian unity have become a persisting need to promote the capability of the Palestinian people  steadfastness in face of the Israeli destructive machine in addition to lift the siege imposed on them and realize their legitimate aspirations."

          Abdullah al- Hourani was accompanied during the meeting  by counterpart Taysir Khaled  to discuss latest developments on the Palestinian arena in light of the Israeli continuous terrorism against the disarmed Palestinians.


* Foreign Minister and Sultanov discuss the situation in Lebanon and Palestine

          Foreign Minister , Walid Moalem , and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Alexander Sultanov, dicussed the dangerous situation in Lebanon, and Palestine and ways to reach a cease fire.

          During the meeting the two sides exchanged opinions on the situation in the region including the support of the political process in Iraq.


Foreign Minister conferred with  Pakistani Special Envoy

          Pakistan Special Envoy to the Middle East denounced the "Israeli open offense on the two Palestinian and Lebanese peoples" wishing peace would prevail all over the world.

          "We condemn all forms of aggression  and hope that peace will prevail among peoples in the world,." Ehsan Al-Haq told SANA reporter.

          He pointed out that his visit to Syria comes in frame work of enhancing bilateral relations between the two countries.

          Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem conferred with  Pakistani Special Envoy to the Middle East Ehsan al-Haq on latest developments in the region in light of the Israeli hostilities against the occupied Palestinian territories  and Lebanon.

          Talks during the meeting dealt  with bilateral relations between Syria and Pakistan  and means of boosting them.

          The Pakistani special envoy to the Middle East  underlined during the meeting his country's "support to Syria and to Palestinian peoples' rights."


Foreign Minister Discusses with Larijani  the Developmnets

          12/7/ Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallim met Head of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Dr. Ali Larijani who briefed him on the consultations he made with the Europeans on the developments of the Iranian nuclear dossier.

          Dr. Larijani stressed his country's commitment to follow up the diplomatic efforts to reach a satisfactory settlement of this issue with assertion on Iran's right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

          The meting was attended  by Assistant Foreign Minister Ahmad Arnous, director of the International Organizations at the Syrian Foreign Ministry and the Iranian ambassador in Damascus.


FM meets Ahmadinejad on current events

          9/7/ Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with foreign minister Walid Mou’alem who is currently attending the meeting of Iraq’s neighbouring states which are being held in Tehran.

          Talks during the meeting deal with the topics on the agenda of Iraq’s neighbouring states foreign ministers, and with the current developments in the region including the deteriorating situation in the occupied Palestinian territories due to the hostile Israeli military action against the Palestinian people.

          On the sideline of the meeting of Iraq’s neighbouring states Foreign Minister, Mou’alem met with Arab League Secretary General, Amre Mousa, and discussed the Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people.

          Mou’alem met also with Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference, OIC, Ekmelulddin Ihsan Oglu and talks dealt with the role which can be played by the OIC to help the efforts of Iraq’s neighbouring states to consolidate security and stability in Iraq.

          Meanwhile, Arab foreign Ministers, participating in the conference of the Iraqi neighbourhood countries, have condemned the Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people.

          Agence France Presse (AFP) reported a statement issued by Arab League (AL) Secretary-General Amre Moussa, as saying that Arab foreign ministers participating in the meeting of Iraq’s neighbouring countries, held yesterday in Tehran, met and expressed their strong condemnation of the continued and escalating Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.

          The statement pointed out that the Arab ministers denounced the international silence towards this aggression, demanding the UN Security Council to shoulder responsibility towards this grave violation of international law and human rights conventions.


Foreign Minister Meets Fe-Arab Venezuela Delegation

          16/7/ Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem conferred with a delegation of Fe-Arab Venezuela on the latest regional and international developments in light of the Israeli continued aggression and siege against Lebanon and Palestine.

          The delegation, chaired by Abdullah Naser al-Din, stressed support to Syria, as a government and people in the face of pressures and threats to which the country is exposed to.

          Foreign Minister referred to the role of organizations abroad to keep contacts between expatriates and motherland as well as the importance of continuing efforts to develop these ties.

          Following the meeting, Naser al-Din expressed in a statement to SANA reporter the delegation's and Fe-Arab Venezuela solidarity with Syria in the face of pressures as well as its struggle against the US-Zionist project in the region.

          "The delegation briefed Syrian Foreign Minister on discussions held with the Arab League on the level of the League's first Conference with Fe-Arab," Naser al-Din said, stressing the Fe-Arab commitment to the Syrian stance that stands by the resistance against the Israeli enemy and the US policy.

          He condemned the Israeli offensive against Lebanon, warning that it aims at hitting the Lebanese in general and plants seeds of sedition in particular.


Foreign Minister receives al-Qaddoumi

          Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem discussed with Chairman of the Political Department at the Palestinian Liberation Organization Farouk al-Qaddoumi, the latest developments on the Palestinian arena in light of the Israeli continued offense on the Palestinian people and the killing and destruction  perpetrated by the Israeli forces of occupation in Gaza Strip in addition to  the importance of enhancing Palestinian national unity to  face  standing challenges.


* Syria Forms Committee to Boost Lebanese Steadfastness

          Regional Leadership of the Baath Arab Socialist Party decided on 18/7 to form a higher popular committee to mobilize potentials as to boost steadfastness of the Lebanese people.

          During a meeting presided by Regional Secretary General Said Bkheitan, the leadership decided to "form a higher popular committee to boost steadfastness of the Lebanese people headed by Speaker of the People's Assembly Mahomud al-Abrahs."

          "The committee will put plans to mobilize popular capabilities and hold national campaigns to collect financial donations and contributions in kind as to send them to Lebanese brothers with the aim of boosting their steadfastness in facing the Israeli enemy machine and its criminal war," a statement said.

          The committee is to establish branches all over the country for easing its action and accelerating procedures.

          The leadership renewed boosting of the " brave resistance in confronting the Israeli aggression that works to destroy the land and man."


Syria Vows Firm and Immediate Response if Israel Attacks

          Syria vowed a firm and immediate response if she is attacked by Israel." Any Israeli aggression against Syria will be met with a firm and direct response whose timing and methods are unlimited," Information Minister Mohsen Bilal said. The Information Minister stressed Syria's support to the Lebanese national resistance in defending the Israeli aggression, pointing out that the Israeli enemy is the big loser and the resistance will triumph.

          " Syria condemns the Israeli comprehensive aggression on the sisterly Lebanese lands and precisely monitors what Lebanon is witnessing as will as she strongly backs  the Lebanese people," Bilal added in a statement.

          Dr. Bilal asserted that the resistance is a legitimate and holy right, stressing the necessity of distinguishing between resistance and terrorism.

          He indicated to the big Israeli inner confusion, clarifying that Israel is facing a new era in its history due to the resistance strikes that targeted inside Israeli " Israel doesn’t expect such strikes  which constitute a success to the national resistance and its policy." " Israel represents the organized state terrorism, occupation and usurpation which constitute the higher type of terrorism," Bilal said, adding : " Israel is the only outlaw side under the shadow of the superpowers' double standards,"

          " While the international legitimacy resolutions are applied on some countries, Israel violates all the UN Security Council resolutions, agreements and understandings that Israel itself ,in advance, had accepted ." Bilal said, stressing that " Israel had foiled all the peace efforts including the Arab Peace Initiative of Beirut Summit,"

          The Minister went on to say: "The victory will be in the side of the right and the triumphant will be the resistants who fight for the sake of the right, justice and freedom". "We will struggle by all means for the restoration of the right and the  establishment of the Palestinian independent state with Jerusalem as its capital." Bilal concluded, emphasizing the Palestinian refugees right to return  home. 


* Media source denies Israeli allegations on shelling Trucks carrying weapons from Syria to Lebanon.

          A Syrian information source strongly denied as totally baseless and unfounded a statement by an Israeli army spokesman that Israeli warplanes shelled trucks traveling from Syria towards Lebanon carrying weapons and ammunitions.

          The source pointed out that the missile which was fired by Israeli warplanes targeted the UAE medical aid convoy which was heading for Lebanon through the Syrian borders, asserting that the caravan was carrying medical materials and medicines and a number of ambulances in addition to a track coming from Lebanon to Damascus and happened to be in the place at the time of attack.

          The source stressed that such Israeli repeated statement aims at creating pretexts to justify its brutal crimes perpetrated against the innocent civilians in Lebanon and to prevent humanitarian aid from reaching the Lebanese people.

          The statement added that this act violates the holiness of the humanitarian missions which the UAE Red Crescent has embarked in Lebanon out of their human responsibilities towards the civilians and in order to ease their suffering as well as providing more protection to them.


 * Hundreds of Lebanese Hosted by al-Bassel University City

          At least 900 Lebanese and Palestinian expatriates residing in several European countries were hosted by al-Bassel University City in Damascus and given needed help and services, Director of the city Ahmad al-Zou'bi said .

          Mr. Zou'bi added that rooms of the City with all services were provided to the comers  who were forced to flee Lebanon as a result of the Israeli continuing aggression on Lebanon.

          He added that an ambulance along with 10 doctors had been assigned to offer medical assistance to those people in the City until they leave for their countries.

          Many Lebanese expressed gratitude to Syria for this humanitarian services and care to secure their safe travel back to their countries.


Syria and Russia Underline Importance of Coordination

          12/7/ Deputy Foreign Minister's talks with his Russian counterpart today in Moscow have underlined "the importance of coordination in facing up challenges threatening the international security and peace in the region and the world."

          Dr. Faiysal Miqdad consultations with Alexander Sultanov have shown "the importance of deepening current relations between the two friendly countries."  An exchange of viewpoints was made during the meeting that dealt with "tragic events in the occupied Palestinian territories and the importance of intensifying international efforts to put an end to their escalation as the two officials  discussed developments in Iraq and the Mideast region in addition to other issues of mutual interests."

          " View points were identical over the importance of boosting the political process in Iraq and providing all conditions that can secure the participation of Iraqi factions to find a solution to problems facing up the country," an official statement said.

          During Dr. Miqdad's  meeting with First Deputy Foreign Minister in Russia Andrey Densove, they emphasized the significance of carrying on the distinguished relations between Syria and the Federal Russia as well the importance of coordination in the two countries stances against suggested stances in the region and the world.

          Deputy Foreign Minister's meetings are in framework of his current visit to Russia which started yesterday.


Syria and Russia Discuss Means of Technical Military Cooperation

          12/7/ Syria and Russia discussed means of technical military cooperation between the two friendly armies and ways of developing them in both countries interests.

           Chief of Staff Brigadier General Ali Habib met this morning the Russian delegation taking part at the Fourth Session of the Syrian-Russian Governmental Committee for Technical Military Cooperation.


With the compliments of the media department
Syrian Embassy - Beijing


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